Management System for Smart Street Lamp in Chengyang District,Qingdao City

2023-07-13 6072

The Chengyang Smart Street Lamp Control Center in Qingdao manages smart street lamps tocreate a safe, organized, and convenient urban environment, The Control Center uses CINechnology and integrates digital twins, lol, and big data. The platform supports clouodeplovment and intensive management, conducting admission testing, ecological importmanagement, control, and operation monitoring of lamp-mounted devices. lt also simulatesand presets the environment where street lamps are located, controls and monitors lampmounted devices,monitors nergy consumption, processes emergency event alarms, ancsupports real-time and accurate understanding of equipment conditions. The platformimproves municipal management guality and efficiency and is a vital node and component oflocalsmart city construction, connecting to the Smart City Management Platform.

Shenzhen Xinghe Yabao Twin Towers BIM-enabled Smart Investment Project

Shenzhen Xinghe Yabao Twin Towers BIM-enabled Smart Investment Project

2023-07-13 | Browse 6897

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